text cv grid time
visit project
Image of Up-Dates on Weather, by Kim Albrecht, data visualization research


01/04/2024 – ongoing

metaLAB (at) Berlin

In collaboration with Annette Jael Lehmann, Giacomo Nanni, Suzan Hanow & Till Rückwart

Up-Dates on Weather

Up-Dates on Weather is a metaLAB (at) Berlin research project in collaboration with ZK/U Berlin – Center for Art and Urbanistics that reexamines the common interfaces between weather, bees, humans, data, truth, and climate change.

The current knowledge system about climate change predominantly relies on a planetary-scaled sensing system — a technological megastructure that abstracts nature into data, transforms data into analysis, and converts analysis into predictions. Technological advances seemingly enable multispecies communication, non-human decentralized autonomous organizations, and generative species models. However, this abstraction and symbolization of the world raise numerous questions.

Up-Dates on Weather seeks to reframe and reimagine our perceptions of such data to explore how political claims, urban politics, and cultural agency create new possibilities for sensual, textual, and visual experiences. In the first phase of the project, we display examples of spatial and temporal entanglements of everyday, seemingly unspectacular weather data.