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visit project
Image of The Hairs of your Head are Numbered, by Kim Albrecht, data visualization research


01/10/2017 – 18/01/2018

doublelucky productions & HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin

In collaboration with doublelucky productions

The Hairs of your Head are Numbered

The human body is increasingly encountered as a data body. Movements, emotions and states are measured, quantified and transformed into data. At the same time this data is the mirror in which the body is reflected and is also its point of orientation. While a growing number of people enjoy using ‘life tracking’ to monitor and track their bodies and share on social media, companies offer online analyses of emotional states for therapy and advertising purposes. If until recently the human being was the analogue gap in the digital world, this gap is being rapidly closed with our enthusiastic help. In their new performance the media arts team turns the body into a numeric spectacle. The new needs and the possibilities of manipulating the body become perceptible in the digital enhancement.


11/10/2024 talk
Data Wise Talk 2024
University of Groningen

27/09/2024 talk
Debating Design – Harvard Design Engineering Session
Harvard University Graduate School Of Design

23/04/2024 talk
Data as Material for Design Lecture
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

08/02/2024 talk
College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University
Northeastern University

14/11/2023 talk
Inaugural Lecture Film University
Film university Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

02/03/2023 talk
Talk at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
City of Melbourne, Australia

25/10/2022 talk
Knowledge Design talk at Columbia University
Columbia University

12/10/2022 talk
Knowledge Design talk at University Groningen
University Groningen

19/01/2018 media
Am Puls der Zeit

23/01/2018 media
„Spy on me“-Festival Kluge Perfomances zu Chancen und Risiken der Digitalität
Berliner Zeitung

24/01/2018 media
Deine Kopfhaare sind gezählt
Süddeutsche Zeitung

18/01/2018 performance
The Hairs Of Your Head Are Numbered
HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin

28/01/2018 performance
The Hairs Of Your Head Are Numbered
Schauspiel Leipzig

01/09/2018 performance
The Hairs Of Your Head Are Numbered
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr

18/03/2018 talk
Embodied Potentials
MIT Media Lab

25/09/2018 talk
Digital Cultures
Warsaw, Poland

28/06/2019 talk
Leben mit Maschinen
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

22/01/2020 talk
Kritik der Digitalität
EMW Potsdam

29/01/2020 talk
Adversarial Hacking in the Age of AI
Transmediale, Berlin

06/10/2020 talk
Science of Intelligence
FU Berlin

09/11/2020 talk
THE wild STATE / Uncanny Friends
Ars Electronica Festival 2020

07/09/2021 talk
Roundtable: The Nonhuman in artistic practice/research
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin EXC "Matters of Activity"