text cv grid time
visit project
Image of culturegraphy, by Kim Albrecht, data visualization research


01/03/2013 – 01/09/2014

FH Potsdam


Culturegraphy investigates cultural information exchange over time also known as 'memes'. These networks can provide new insights into the rich interconnections of cultural development. Treating cultural works as nodes and influences as directed edges, the visualization of these cultural networks can provide new insights into the rich interconnections of cultural development. The graphics represent complex relationships of movie references by combining macro views summarizing 100 years of movie influences with micro views providing a close-up look at the embedding of individual movies. The macro view shows the rise of the self-referential character of postmodern cinema, while the micro level illustrates differences between individual movies, when they were referenced and by whom. The visualizations provide views that are closer to the real complexity of the relationships than aggregated views or rankings could do.


Design Master, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

11/10/2024 talk
Data Wise Talk 2024
University of Groningen

23/04/2024 talk
Data as Material for Design Lecture
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

08/02/2024 talk
College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University
Northeastern University

14/11/2023 talk
Inaugural Lecture Film University
Film university Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

09/11/2014 exhibition
IEEE VIS Art Show Paris

09/10/2015 exhibition
Data Drift exhibition
kim? contemporary art

06/02/2016 exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Baltan Laboratories

02/09/2014 media
100 Years of Movie References, Visualized

18/09/2014 media
Infographics That Reveal Kooky References in Your Favorite Films

02/12/2014 media
The quick and the dead

06/02/2016 media
Culturegraphy: Understanding the World through Networks

14/06/2017 media
Pattern Research
Form Magazine

19/01/2018 media
Human-Data Interaction in the age of Industry 4.0 - Part 1

01/04/2017 writing

03/06/2014 talk
Culturegraphy, Visualizing Cultural Network Dynamics
Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks - NetSci - University of California

11/09/2014 talk
The Search Is Over!
DL2014 - London

22/11/2014 talk
visualized.io - London

11/02/2015 talk
Visualization Lab - Northeastern University

28/07/2015 talk
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

09/10/2015 talk
Mapping Complexity and Postmedia Architecture
RIXC Festival: Renewable Future Conference