text cv grid time
visit project
Image of cosmic web, by Kim Albrecht, data visualization research


17/03/2015 – 15/04/2016

Barabasi Lab

In collaboration with Bruno C. Coutinho, Albert-László Barabási

cosmic web

The concept of the cosmic web—viewing the universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity—is deeply ingrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about architecture of this network or its characteristics. Our research used data from 24,000 galaxies to construct multiple models of the cosmic web, offering complex blueprints for how galaxies fit together. These three interactive visualizations help us imagine the cosmic web, show us differences between the models, and give us insight into the fundamental structure of the universe.


Data Visualization Researcher, Center for Complex Network Science

11/10/2024 talk
Data Wise Talk 2024
University of Groningen

29/02/2024 workshop
Harvard Radcliffe Seminar 2024
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

12/04/2023 exhibition
The Art of Connection
Meet Digital Culture, Milan

23/04/2024 talk
Data as Material for Design Lecture
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

08/02/2024 talk
College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University
Northeastern University

14/11/2023 talk
Inaugural Lecture Film University
Film university Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

06/06/2023 talk
Talk at GEM 2023
Projektraum Drahnsdorf

24/04/2023 teaching
Harvard Knowledge Design Class 2023
Harvard University

02/03/2023 talk
Talk at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
City of Melbourne, Australia

10/05/2019 media
Nature: Collaborations in Design
Cooper Hewitt, New York

19/01/2021 media
Hidden Patterns Publication
Hatje Cantz

20/12/2021 acquisition
Cosmic Web acquired for permanent collection by ZKM
ZKM, Karlsruhe

11/12/2022 acquisition
Cosmic Web acquired for permanent collection by Cooper Hewitt
New York

25/10/2022 talk
Knowledge Design talk at Columbia University
Columbia University

12/10/2022 talk
Knowledge Design talk at University Groningen
University Groningen

28/11/2016 award
Bronze for The Network Behind the Cosmic Web
Information is Beautiful Award

16/06/2016 exhibition
Information Plus Exhibition

01/08/2017 exhibition
Places & Spaces: Mapping Science
Worldwide Venues

13/01/2018 exhibition
Art of Networks III
Art of Networks Exhibition

10/05/2019 exhibition
Nature Design Triennial
Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial

11/05/2019 exhibition
NATURE Collaborations in design
Cube design museum

23/01/2020 exhibition
Dynamic Nodes
Transmediale, State Studio

15/05/2020 exhibition
Web Biennial 2020: APEIRON
Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum

01/05/2021 exhibition
BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

08/03/2017 teaching
Knowledge Design
Harvard Graduate School of Design

23/06/2017 teaching
The New Normal
Strelka Institute, Moscow

04/03/2019 teaching
Knowledge Representations
ITU, Copenhagen

14/04/2016 media
The Beautiful Complexity of the Cosmic Web
Scientific American

14/04/2016 media
Visualizing The Cosmic Web That Holds The Universe Together

18/04/2016 media
Explore the Cosmos With This Bonkers Interactive Model

19/04/2016 media
Interconnectedness of the galaxies

21/04/2016 media
Breathtaking Visualization of the Universe Will Make You Feel Like an Ant

21/04/2016 media
We Can't Stop Watching These Cosmic Visualizations
Popular Mechanics

21/04/2016 media
Mit diesen Grafiken könnt ihr ins Netzwerk des Kosmos eintauchen
Wired Germany

04/05/2016 media
Kim Albrecht on Untangling Tennis and the Cosmic Web
Data Stories

14/06/2017 media
Pattern Research
Form Magazine

31/01/2018 media
Human-Data Interaction in the age of Industry 4.0 - Part 1

23/04/2021 media
e-flux: Hidden Patterns

05/05/2021 media
kulturnews: Hidden Patterns. Netzwerkdenken

12/04/2016 writing
The Network Behind the Cosmic Web

01/04/2016 residency
Culture Analytics
UCLA Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics - L.A.

09/10/2015 talk
Renewable Futures conference - RIXC

06/10/2016 talk
Parsons New School - New York

06/12/2016 talk
Imagining Complex Systems
Harvard Visual Computing Group

28/03/2017 talk
Imagining Complex Systems
Technical University of Denmark

09/08/2017 talk
Insightful Images
Gordon Research Conference - Bates College

20/12/2017 talk
Design as (de-) Construction of Form
Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel

08/08/2018 talk
Element Talks
Poznan, Poland

05/10/2018 talk
Data Literacy Conference

06/10/2020 talk
Science of Intelligence
FU Berlin

04/11/2021 talk
Data Reflection & Design
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe